Wednesday, May 2, 2012


the month of april has been a disaster in South afirca with rape cases against woman and man being investigated in most of the countries provinces. a case that has been in the publics eye is of a mentally challenged girl who is 17 years of age from Soweto and was gang raped by seven young man. two of the accused are 19; one is 18; and four are minors, one is 13 and three are 17. this happened in soweto in field where this incident was video taped by the accused. all of the accused were arested once the video was seen by the police and they are alll under investigation by the national prosecuting authority.

another one is the case of a young boy name Pule who also 17 years of age and mentally challenged, was raped by two woman of whom one is a teenager and the other a 26 year old. the familuy of the boy found out about this on sunday 22 of april. the question is, why do our goverment tend to focus on such issues only why their rates go up? 

reports indicate that a child is raped every three minutes, but mostly, nobody knows- or nobody does anything about it. is it because the goverment does not take this issue seriously or is because people do not report these cases? where are the compaigns that talk against this issue that the country is faced with?  

are we as nation going to leave in fear over what happen to us when we find ourselfs in the streets of our own community? this is an issue that should be take into consideration, especialy with regards to education seeing that the rapists are getting yuonger by the day. hush punishments should be taken aginst those who neglect the law. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO???


  1. Well i could say people are now living in fear because if the number of rape increases people are afraid to report such cases. What is shocking is the age of people who are raped & those who rape. The youth of today is now getting destroyed

  2. I cant believe that the situation has tuned so bad that even our women have turned into a rapists, but the government can only do so much.
