Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reregistration of Social Grants Says Goverment

Social grants has been one of the biggest problems that South Africa has been faced with in the past couple of years. the minister of finances  Pravin Gordhan announced on the 22 February 2012 that 15.6 million people,or 31% will receive social grants and this was expected to rise to 16.7 million in 2015. now social development mister Bathabile Dlamini announced that parents should re-register their children due to some misconducts that have been going on in the social grants system http://www.southafrica.info/about/social/grants-200212.htm.
the department is faced with a situation where the are parents who get grants for none existing children. this messes with the budget that is allocated to department.  a new system called biometric-base system will be conducted by the south African social security agency and it has two phases that will kick of from 1 march 2012, and the second phase from 1 June to 31 December 2012 to read more click here Social development.
the question is why now all of a sudden? will it not affect the collecting process? when they were enrolling people for the grants was their communications department not in contact with the communications department of home affairs? this process will have an effect on people who are poor,because it will some how affect the collecting process and people will suffer due to the incompetence of the two departments. why did the communications department of social development not inform people about this in time so they can prepare, and not wait only when the system is already in place? their communication department has failed its duties to communicate the necessary information at the right time and will it come back with a strategy that will help the situation? will have to wait and see. if this is how the department thinks it will flush out corruption will just have to wait and see...      


  1. well what has to be done has to be done, the tax payers money can not keep paying for non existing children.
    lets have faith in pou governmeet that this new sysyem will not affect those who do really need the social grant.

  2. Well the government is doing a good job for parents to register again to stop those people who register non-existing children. So this will help the government to give the social grant to those who need it the most

  3. I think its good that it was implemented immediatly because the sooner the fraudsters are stopped the better. In terms of the disadvantages it came with, they will be solved in the future
