Tuesday, March 27, 2012


the issue of frodulant identity documents in south africa is bringing the country to a huge problem. peoples identiy documents are now being sold for sale in the streets by corrupt officials and people have to wait for years to get their id documents or it is either it has a fault http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/36-000-ID-book-mistakes-in-201011-20110623. the department faces a huge number of people who have problems with regards to their id's every year. we all know that in this country everything requies an id book aproval, but we still have people who are not working, applying for varsity or not being able to do  anything because of not having an id book.

peole go thruogh great lengths to get what they want. like the mother who fabricated her child's information to get grant money, by registering her child as her neighbours child and she gives her part of the money for their agreement http://mg.co.za/article/2011-11-18-fake-ids-a-matter-of-survival/. most of the people that suffer because of this are people who are in the rural areas, because they do not have access to information on how to obtain their id books. the question is what has their communiction department done to make sure that this gap between rural and ubarn areas is closed when it comes to information access?

the department has become inundated with inquiries from peoples who want to know when will they be able to get their id books. but they still have to wait for years to get a response or they have to go through legall routes and end up loosing a lot of money. The only time when the department of home affairs makes gives out identity documents on time is when there is an election on  the way. in february of 2010 the department closed down one of it s offices in johannesburg due to corruption http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Home_Affairs_(South_Africa)#cite_note-3. a  number of staff mambers appeared in court in charges of corruption and bribery. the allegations included sales of fake passports. quesstion remains on how is deparment going to help people while it tries to curb the corruption that happens in its offices...  


  1. it is hard to believe that to this day the home affairs department has not sorted it's issues out...

  2. Its sad knowing that im living in a country thats vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. People make mistakes and those include misplacing their belonings. If i misplace my I.D I will have to go into panic mode because I know some desperate individual will use it to their benifit. The government must come up with a system that garantees a persons I.D cannot be used by someonelse
