Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The Easters are one the biggest holidays for South Africans, because they mark the resurrection of Jesus in the christian calender. During this time people travel to various destinations to celebrate and  this is when accidents do occur. The department of  transport always preaches that people should buckle-up, respect the road signs and the laws that govern them while on the road. A road report that was taken out in march 31 of 2011 by AA on its arive alive compagn, states a comparison of stats for2008-2009 as 10948, and 2010-2011 as 10845 http://www.arrivealive.co.za/documents/March%202011%20Road%20Traffic%20Report.pdf

the department of transport has encouraged people to be prepared for the visibility of police every where on the road for this years holidays. the department has teamed up with the arrive alive campaign to try and encorage travellers to adhere to road principles http://mype.co.za/new/2012/04/arrive-alive/. They say that this time they want to operate in a defferent way than in the other previous years. the campaign is aime at removing anyone or anything that threatens the llives of people on the roads during the easters. the minister of trasport Sibusiso Ndebele said that the road safety campaigns will only succeed when the road users change their behaviuor http://mg.co.za/article/2011-11-08-transport-minister-launches-new-road-safety-campaign/

The question is, do these campaigns realy have an impact when it come to the stats being realesed? or are they just for show that they can decrease a percent or two in the death tolls? are they realy effective when it comes to communicating the message across? with this campaign the minister said they have mapped out routes, sharpend their strategies and oile their battle plans. he enforced that the department is now going to go back to basics, where we will find primary school children being tought about the basic rules of the road, this will be a campaign that the goverment will be starting off with this year. But will it improve the situations on the roads??? Will have to Wait and See...           

1 comment:

  1. For too long our well developed roads have taken the lives of people.For too long people have not listened to the arrive alive campaigns message, lets hope things can be different this year.Lets hope people are'nt neglectful and ignorant as before.
